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Selectmen's Minutes - November 26, 1991
November 26, 1991     Present:  Judith M. Murdoch
                                                  Robert M. Crowley
                                                  Warren C. Ellis

Police Chief Search Committee met with the Board.  Discussed with the Board salary issues, ad for Chief, organization of Committee.  The issue of the business community wanting to be on the Committee was discussed.  The Board did not want to enlarge the committee, but would write to the group asking them to sit in and take part, but they would not have a vote.  Mr. Ellis so moved, 2nd Crowley, voted 3-0.

Janet VanSteensel brought up concerns about the community playground, particularly ongoing maintenance and the difficulty in getting volunteers.  She feels it is time the town tok over the maintenance.  She has spoken with the Recreation Commission and was told they were not able to do this at this time.  Jim Cadres from the audience mentioned the Kiwanis might assist as did Kathy Kuchinski mentioning the Hanson Rod and Gun Club.  Mrs. VanSteensel suggested the Board bright the issue to the Regional School Committee as this should fall under the school umbrella.  It was suggested that a letter go to the Regional Committee asking them to outline their position on maintenance of school grounds as of July 1, 1992.

Ed Rood did not keep his appointment re canvassing.

Vincent Sica addressed several of his concerns re the Board of Selectmen.  The majority of his concerns outlined issues addressed by previous Boards.  This led to his concern over the current Board's selection of the Police Chief Search Committee and specifically why he was not appointed to same.  Mrs. Murdoch outlined the procedure the Board followed in the selection of the Search Committee and also addressed the previous Board's actions.

Mr. Ellis moved, 2nd Crowley to accept the minutes of November 5, 12 and 29, 1991.  Voted 3-0.

The Executive Secretary job description will be discussed December 3 due to the absence of two members.

After lengthy discussion re the specifications submitted by Gale Engineering and Camp, Dresser and McKee, Mr. Ellis moved, 2nd Murdoch to appoint Camp Dresser McKee as the firm to address the Thomas Hall hazardous materials.  Voted 2-1 (Crowley opposed).

Executive Secretary discussed the delay in response on returning plates and the fact that the month will run out.  Mr. Crowley moved, 2nd Ellis to hand deliver a memo to the Highway Surveyor and Fire Chief and in return accept the plates at that time.  3-0 vote.

A letter was read from Chief Twomey re pedestrian accident in which he gave direct credit to the response of the three Water Dept. personnel, Thomas Pepe, Edward Reed and Wayne Carrol.  The Chief felt their initial actions at the scene contributed to the survival of the accident victim.  Mr. Crowley moved, 2nd Ellis to submit a copy of the letter and thank you letter to each employees personnel file.  Board also read a letter from Pine Meadow Nursery re the response and the ultimate handling of a situation by several Hanson Police Officers.  Owner thanked the police Department and particularly those officers for their professional response.  Mr Crowley moved, 2nd Ellis to send thank you to each and copy of letter submitted for their files.

A letter was read to the Board from the Board of Appeals re issues with Water Dept.  Mr. Nugent stated that several departments have raised concerns and he suggested perhaps a meeting take place whereby the Water Commissioners could address each individual departments concerns in an effort to clarify the Town's position re water.  Board suggested some time be set aside the week of 12/3 or 12/10 for a meeting with the Water Commissioners.  Appeals Board, Conservation Commission, Building Inspector, Planning Board, Board of Health, Finance Committee, Treasurer/Collector, and Town Accountant.

Mr. Ellis asked status of limiting speed on Brook Street area.  Responded by stating in conversation with resident in response to letter, information was requested from the Police Dept.  Mr. Crowley moved, 2nd Ellis to query Police Dept. about Brook Street and problem with speeding.  Voted 3-0.

The Dahlbergs brought to the attention of the Board information in which they believed there was insurance on Thomas Hall.  Board agreed to look into it and notify the agent.  

The Executive Secretary announced the Town will host an Affordable Housing Seminar on December 5 at 9:30 a.m. at the Library.

Mr. Crowley moved, 2nd Ellis to adjourn.  Voted 3-0.  10:00 p.m.

Robert M. Crowley, Clerk